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The moment of truth!

& it's true :)

Today we had our first ultrasound to follow up from our scary ER visit for the subchorionic hemorrhage and ... everything is perfect<3 my little gummy bear is measuring exactly on time! This was a surprise to me because Addison measured a full two weeks behind which in pregnancy weeks seems like a lifetime! His or her heartbeat was a strong 176 beats per minute and I even got to see little beautiful legs which will soon have little beautiful baby feet that I will just kiss all over :)

I came home and showed Maliah baby's first photo and she squealed with excitement! She loves the responsibility, she walks Addy by the hand our the house for hours each day and I know she's so eager to do it again!

I was so nervous this morning, I arrived a full hour early to my appointment where I sat in the waiting room just f r e a k i n g out quietly to myself. I was going through all of the possible scenarios that could potentially play out somewhat preparing myself for what I was about to go through, I laid down on the table she put the wand to my tummy and all I see is a sac... I felt really bad about that but then she pressed harder and there was my baby. MY BABY! I don't know why but every single time I go through this it feels like the very first time, I fall in love, I cry, I walk around from that day forward holding my belly.. it's just so magical.

Addison is definitely sensing the new baby already. I have countless photos of just she & I lounging around the house, she loves to cuddle now, we watched all of flight together and she even fell asleep on my tummy. She just knows something is in there and wants to be close and me, I am enjoying every moment of it :)

Ryan is the same way, loves to be around me, always there and doing everything he can to make me feel comfortable. I feel bad, like I'm overworking him with all of my food and comfort requests but something gives me the feeling that he loves it. Due to the SCH he was having to carry everything over 10lbs, running small errands, cleaning cooking, just everything.

Maliah is excited about how she is going to be the best big sister to two babies and how she can't wait to grow stronger to hold the new baby and go to the doctor's each month to see all of her friends! (the women at my doctor's office just gobble her up, they think she is just perfect!)

I have told a couple of people about our news, Ryan's sister, my best friend Ryan;s cousin Lisa, and my other pregnant friends and everyone is so excited for us. Of course, at first this was a total shock, I don't think anyone expected us to become pregnant so fast but they all are embracing this pregnancy with open hearts:)

Oh! The absolute best part about our ultrasounds today... Our subchorionic hemorrhage has completely absorbed it's self and it is gone baby gone!! As if i weren't already misty from seeing my beautiful baby I seriously dropped some tears when the technician said that! I feel like things are progressing well, as soon as I hit that 12 week mark I will feel like I can finally breathe.

Here is a picture of our sweet gummy bear! Look at those legs and that arm behind his or her head.. straight chillin' :D 

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