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Rounnnddd three!!

WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In October we had the IUD removed which according to our plans would land us pregnant in about two years based on previous pregnancies. So as you would guess it was a total shock that I would see a little + on my first pregnancy test! I hadn't missed my lovely aunt flow yet, but became just very very ill on one of the biggest business weekends of my career! Five sessions in one day, three the next, so I thought the stress was just wearing on me. I completed my sessions, grabbed a test and did my thing.

I was in total disbelief, with the ideas of infertility and two miscarriages just years before, fresh in my mind I just refused to become excited. I'm now 9 weeks and five days along and wow this morning sickness is unreal. I never had it too bad with Addison or Maliah but this one has got me throwing up everything for the past two weeks straight. So my doctor has prescribed me Zofran, when looking it up online I find it's most often prescribed to cancer patients going through chemo.. uh scary.

I had my first doctor's appointment on Monday where they did all the fun blood work, getting to know you (though that turned into just a chat session as my doctor and I have a wonderful relationship and I trust her with my life :P) So we're scheduled to go back for our first ultrasound at her office, (previously spent some time in the ER and was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage) which I'm eager about. I guess I feel like I'm starting to become excited at this point only because the doctor told me that severe nausea actually means that hormone levels are rockin' and baby is growing. SO hopefully this SCH goes away and we'll be on our way to baby number three!

Our family photo session is booked for Friday which also depends on our little munchkin doing well according to the ultrasound.  If you had asked me at 18 if I thought I would be a Mommy to three at 25 I would have told you no. BUT I really can't say I would have done any of this differently. Infertility means nothing if you have everything you want.

One downfall to the way we live now is that my wonderfully talented amazing doctor is 2 hours away, but that's a trip I'm definitely willing to make to make sure that I have the absolute best of care. The hospital is located near the doctor's office and to my surprise my doctor brought up an induction for this baby as well a week early just so that she nor I are worrying about delivering this one by the side of the road since it's an hour long stretch of rural desert between me and her! That's one of the things I absolutely adore about her, she's always thinking ahead.

Though I'm reluctant to get excited... I'm excited. I just can't believe this happened for us so fast. I think Daddy is convinced that things are okay as I cuddle with the toilet more than I do with him! My life is drastically changing with a business that is just always busy, two perfect babies, a relationship that I have finally found my flow with and a baby on the way. Who could not be blissful in a situation like this?!

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