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28 Weeks - Tests & Other Things.

Yesterday I got my glucose results back and I passed! I was pretty happy about that, since I first took the pregnancy test that was one of my initial thoughts. I hated taking that test with Maliah.. which I failed. So I'm pretty happy that I'm in good shape when it comes to my sugars. However, the doctor came back & let me know that my vitamin D level is very low at 17 when it should be around 40. I knew this level was low at about 8 weeks so I started taking a mega dose of D3 every day and I guess it really didn't improve. So now, I'm trying all of these different foods & methods to try and get this to come up! I feel bad after reading everything on the internet about vitamin D deficiency and I realize I need to start monitoring things like this if I want to live a very long life.

I'm so excited my parents are coming to Arizona when the baby is born! They are pretty much the only people I trust with Maliah so I know when we're in the delivery room I won't have a thing to worry about plus, it'll be nice to have them in my area since I've always gone out there to visit! Time seems like it's really flying by we literally have only purchased a couple of things for the baby which is kind of scary. I've decided this time I want to get a jogger travel system vs. the traditional four wheel stroller. I always saw the joggers as kind of masculine so I didn't really like them for babies but after we had a beautiful Graco stroller with Mia that got stuck on every little rock & bump in the road, not to mention I can't even remember how many times we wound up at a mountain park or something and had to carry the baby. This just seems like a great fit for our active family so that we can jog if we want or go on an easy hike so I'm really excited about that.

Maliah is getting more & more excited by the day about the baby's arrival she's very sweet and makes sure that she pays attention to the tummy. She loves to help me do everything which will be great when the baby arrives I'll need all the hands I can get! She told me the other day "Mommy the baby is getting so big your tummy is growing alot!" I'm glad she understands most of the things that are going on. She comes to the doctor for every appointment and is so good the doctor lets her use the Doppler to find the baby's heartbeat and surprisingly she's really good at it!

My appointments are now two weeks apart which is really nice because I'm constantly updated and I think it'll make time go by so much faster. I love my doctor & I feel so fortunate that I went with her. I mean, some people think that all doctors were trained the same and can basically do the same functions but I feel like compared to some of my friends my doctor gives me a ton of information. Every other appointment I meet with the actual doctor and when I'm there she makes me feel so comfortable and she really makes me feel like she's there for me like I'm running the show and things will happen how I want them to do. I've had other doctors that don't really take into consideration that this is an experience I will remember for the rest of my life but she does and I think that's a great quality.

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