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29 Weeks - The "D" Word

For the past couple of days I have been having on & off pains that are pretty terrible some so bad, they wake me from a deep sleep. For awhile I was thinking the baby was just moving around in bad positions & punching me. Today I figured I should have an exam at the hospital to make sure that everything is fine. So I go they handle their business and then the nurse says well your baby is looking great, head down position & ready to go, heartbeat sounds beautiful but you are 1cm DILATED. I was like oh.. &$@%. I'm only 29 weeks how is that possible? She says well, you're on your second baby so it isn't too too abnormal to be dilating this soon but it is early oh & you've had a contraction while you've been here (at that point I had been there roughly 30 minutes.) I have my doctors appointment on Tuesday and I'm glad it's with the delivering doctor because she will know just what to do.

This whole thing is really freaking me out not to mention I'm stressing because my parents are flying in around the first of November & apparently my little bundle of joy is triggering my body to think it's time to prepare. I get that some people walk around for weeks like this before the real labor starts.. But I don't know how long I've been at 1cm. I'm just in pain almost all the time now. I'm sure my dr is going to want to check my cervix at every appointment to keep tabs on the situation which also sucks. Maliah hasn't been in the room when they've had to do anything.. Down there & I think she will be either really freaked out or think the dr. is looking at the baby and want to see haha. I'm really happy that I'm almost at 30 weeks though that's a mile stone in my book! I remember Maliah was due on October 3rd and was born on September 28th now I'm due on November 3rd so maybe baby will hang on until at least the 28th of October! I just feel like that news is going to make me more on edge because now I'm feeling like my water could break at any time or something. Anyway, the baby moves a ton, always wiggling around & playing I'm glad for that because after Mia if I had a sleepy baby I would be using my doppler daily to hear the baby's heartbeat. So, no good news on this post really .. Boo=[

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