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38 Weeks

This may be my last blog as a pregnant person! I still have some important things to do and our induction is just around the corner & scheduled for 3:00am on Tuesday! I think the moment I'm most eager for aside from the first time I hold her of course is that moment when I'm packing my things dressing my new baby and I'm waiting to be discharged because at that moment I will have had a healthy little girl who gets to come home with us. Maliah is very excited, the other day she started crying because she "wanted Addison to come out" I'm happy that she loves her already, I didn't know how she would take it when we first told her a new baby was going to be  here but since, she's never been negative toward the situation. The only thing she says now is 'daddy can't join us with the baby because I will get jealous' lol I don't know if she understands what jealous means or anything but it was still really funny to hear. I told her whenever I hold the baby if she want's daddy can hold her and she was content with that.

Today I had my final doctors appointment, I signed the paperwork for the induction & all of the routine stuff was done. I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment two weeks ago (we slept through last week's appointment =/) but baby is still growing and I'm measuring on point. I noticed yesterday that I was looking slimmer in the waist and I think that is due to losing some weight & the baby dropping. The dr. said she predicts that baby will weigh around the low end of 7lbs which is fine with me, Maliah was 6lbs 12oz so they will be about the same. She checked for dilation and I'm still barely pushing 2cm so it looks like the induction is what we will have to do to get this little girl outta there! I have a plan in place for Halloween where I plan to eat at this philly shop Ryan has been going on about that has the 'spiciest sub he's ever had in his life.' Then I plan to clean our house top to bottom and then of course take Maliah trick or treating for miles well, as much as she will let me lol. Hopefully all of that will get me to dilate a little bit more so that I don't have to expose myself to too many drugs in the hospital. I could tell that after this appointment my family's morale went way up, Ryan and Maliah were all smiles. Of course, I've been excited from the beginning but Ryan has had his issues with attachment because of the miscarriage. I think he asks me just about 12 times a day if I'm going to the hospital lol it's pretty funny. My parents plan to leave their house once my brother is done with his Halloween fun so they will probably arrive right around the time we're scheduled to be at the hospital. I can't wait to have the sigh of relief when she is finally here and cuddled in my arms... happy.

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