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Labor Thoughts.

Today is the day!! After a long 2 day wait we are finally at the hospital and waiting for everything to fall into place! We arrived here at 9pm where they got us into our room hooked me up to all of the medications and machines to monitor me. Here are some thoughts I had during the labor process. 

I'm starving! And Ryan just ordered a fruit plate that looks amazing. 

Tons of heartburn! They brought me a liquid medicine to drink that cured that up right away. The process to take that was like taking a shot because it was SO sour like drinking a warhead. -with salt. 

Contractions are back to back.. But it's still not go time. They aren't strong enough. 

The staff is really nice. It feels genuine. 

I have an IV hooked up to me where there are 3 additional tubes attached to give me meds, by far the most uncomfortable thing about this labor is the blood pressure cuff. I hate this thing it's itchy and irritating my skin! 

Focal point "happy birthday Addison" written on the glass door. 

I really miss Maliah. She & I do everything together, so doing something this important.. Just feels wrong. 

Pitocin had to be started because I'm having tons of contractions that are irregular. Works! 

The epidural was actually very scary. I had one with Maliah but.. I don't remember any of it due to the magnesium sulfate. 

Peanut ball is freaking annoying.

Peanut ball got me from 5cm to 10 cm dilated in less than an hour. I sent daddy home to rest and because the dr, and nurse said we had atleast until noon at last check an hour ago. I felt like she was coming sooner so I told him to come back, nurse checks and Addison is coming quick and will be here within minutes!!!  The dr. and Ryan walk in the room and it's time to push! I had 4 hard contractions & Addy bear was born:) she looks just like her big sister except Addy is a big girl!! 8lbs 1oz of perfect little baby! 

We ended up staying an extra day at the hospital but it was nice because Addy went to the nursery so that I could sleep, the food the was nothing short of amazing for hospital food & the portions were pretty huge so that was a nice way to end my pregnancy. I'm not sure how much weight I've lost so far but I definitely feel much lighter. I took a nap on my stomach today which was amazing, typically I'm a tummy sleeper so that's something I had missed terribly during pregnancy. 

The whole experience was just great. My doctor is an amazing person, she's very calm and always looks out for the best for her patients. I wish Maliah's birth had been this easy! My parents made it out to Arizona and spent a good amount of time with Maliah and then at the hospital with us which was really nice. Waking up today knowing that I wasn't going to spend time with them made me really sad though. 

Now that we are home, things are going great Maliah is a huge help and doesn't overstep her boundaries which was a major concern of mine, she hasn't shown any jealousy or anything yet which is also a major plus! All & All, I'm very happy and thankful:)

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