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Addison Is Three Weeks Old!

Three weeks after delivery and life is much different than it was before delivery! Addison is a very easy baby, she sleeps well most nights and breast feeds very easily. I can see so many differences between Addy & Maliah. Maliah was a messy baby lol but I think that was because of the formula so that's another major perk to breast feeding! Maliah gets along with Addison so well, (so far) she tries to help with everything and runs into the room as soon as Addison starts to fuss. Today she even asked if she could change Addison, it was really cute but she definitely is not ready for that yet. I do however, let her help give Addy her binky when she's fussy. Addison really likes to be swaddled, thank god I had the nurses teach me at the hospital how to swaddle because if it weren't for my swaddleme I would be in trouble!

Ryan's mom came out to visit for a few days, it was nice having someone here during the day with us just to have an extra set of hands to hold Addison while she's fussy & give us a little bit of a break. Maliah was very happy to see her which was nice to see. I just hate when people come to visit because it really makes me miss home. I just always have to remind myself that here is the best place for our family because we would never be able to give them a comfortable life with two parents in California. Living there is just too hard, I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm materialistic but I do want to give my children the absolute best if the opportunity is available ..and it is. Yes, I know that family is important but so is a roof and food.

As for me, I'm recovering nicely. At this point all of my delivery pains are gone, I'm finally starting to feel like myself again which is definitely something I've been longing for since about 6 months! I haven't really been able to hit the gym yet like I want to, I have gone twice just to do some treadmill time and both times I felt pains the following day so I took that as my body wanted me to just slow down a bit. I have taken the jogger out & did some walking around the lake & all that which was really nice. I'm adjusting well to having two kids I think. Yesterday I was out all day & I feel like I got the hang of breast feeding in public and changing Addy in public, she did surprisingly well, she slept the entire day which made me feel a little worried for what bedtime was going to be like last night but she totally knocked out after being awake for about an hour. I'm pleased with the way things are, I know that sometimes Maliah feels like Mommy doesn't play with her enough anymore so I try to include her in everything, I know that feeling is going to be temporary once Addy is a few months old and is able to move around & all that, Maliah will have a blast with her I can just tell. 

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