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6 Weeks Post Partum!!

Finally, I've made it to the 6 weeks post partum mark!! Addy just had her check up and she's looking great, growing like a weed already! Feedings have been going pretty awesome, she's so easy to feed and pumping and building a supply for when I can't be around to feed her is also coming along nicely. I really enjoy breast feeding because it gives me that one on one time with just Addison, no one else is around to interfere it's just she & I. But not only that it really gives me a time to slow down and just chill for about 15 minutes.One thing I've noticed is that my maturity level has greatly increased. When I had Maliah I was 19 and just a child myself. I realize that when it came to breastfeeding, I just gave up. I was too immature and too impatient to do what was right for her. I would have never invested the time into pumping that I do with Addison. I've decided this week to begin looking for some kind of fun little part time job just to get out of the house and give Ryan the opportunity to be with Addison alone so that they can form that close relationship that he has with Maliah. As much as I love change, I love symmetry and balance in my life, so Ryan's relationship with both of our children is important to me, I want to ensure that everything is even among the two.

My weight loss has been coming along pretty great, last week I lost a total of 5 pounds which totally surprised me because I felt like I had hit a plateau. Awhile back I was losing a pound a day naturally and then for about a week I just stopped losing on my own so I started counting calories and exercising harder and I'm starting to really lose the pounds. I started taking a pictures of myself after I went to the gym each week just to kind of map my progress & this is what I have. I'm figuring that I won't show much results after this week only because I'm 10 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight and I don't think in photos it will make much of a difference annnnd I'm actually content, I'm at a healthy weight so I might just steadily exercise just for the emotional benefits that come from it.

Tomorrow I have my 6 week check up which I'm excited for, I love my doctor and I can't wait to see her again and of course show off baby Addy! I have a really good relationship with all of the girls at the office so it'll be nice to see everyone again. I have decided to have an IUD put in which is actually really scary for me. I made the decision because I am definitely not really to have another baby within the next 2 years and all of the other methods have hormones involved. I'm all about the natural way of things, I rarely take medication, when I need it I test out natural healing or preventative measures first. Plus, I'm just not really into gaining weight, having acne again and all of the mood swings so the method that I chose is the paragard which I will be getting on Wednesday! One of the things I took into consideration was the fact that a very small percentage of women do lose their fertility all together with things like IUD's but for right now, I'm content with my family and I'm leaning toward adoption if we decide to have a third child. I feel kind of selfish having my own children when there are so many that need a loving Mother & Father. So, that's where I'm at.. life is good. Love is good and 2011 is coming to an end. Here's to a great new year ahead of us!

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