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Today we had a doctor's appointment and for the first time during this pregnancy, I was actually really nervous! Last night I had this nagging pressure in my abdomen and was so scared & of course, assumed the worst but.. today everything turned out well! We also met the person who is going to be delivering our baby which was also a very crazy feeling because up until this point, I had been only seeing my nurse practitioner. I really like this office because I get to see either the one nurse or my doctor I'm never meeting a new person which is great! The doctor was really nice and I look forward to the delivery of our little one:)

Also, the date is set for our next ultrasound in four weeks where we will be able to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!! I still don't have a "feeling" on what the baby is I don't believe in all of those wive's tales about carrying high or low, heartbeats & things like that. I still don't have a preference on what the baby is either! Having a boy still scares me a little because they seem much more difficult but.. I know I can handle whatever comes our way.

I haven't been sleeping much I don't know how I went from sleeping 12 hours a day to 3 hours a day, it's a huge difference, I'm tired during the day but when I lay down I feel like I'm ready to wake up I think partial blame is on the tummy, I am so uncomfortable when I'm trying to sleep I don't remember having this much trouble with Maliah. I love the fact that the baby kicks during the morning when I wake up, there baby is kicking away:) Though this pregnancy has been super uncomfortable I am feeling really good about it!

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