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22 Weeks - Blah Blah Blah...

Random midnight blogs seem to be my thing. So, weight gain scares pretty much everything out of me. I don't know what it is but I freak out about it!! My mother has great genetics and is the same size I was pre-pregnancy.. after 3 kids! I'm hoping that all rubs off on me! I realize that I am 2lbs over what my expected weight gain should be at however, I just read in Cosmo that the average cup size is 36 C which calculates out to about 2lbs each which makes me feel much better because I'm already above that so that means somewhere around 5lbs of my weight gain is boobies!! With Maliah I gained a whole 15lbs over what I was expected to, but this was in part, from pre-eclampsia this time, I'm not sure if I have it yet I'm not having any swelling which is great and I feel fine, BP has been normal but it still really freaks me out. I hope I don't have it because I can't deal with that stress all over again. I haven't purchased anything for the baby yet, I feel like it's too soon even though 3rd trimester is just around the corner I think I'll start shopping in September that way I don't have to stare at an empty crib for too long but at least if something happens and baby decides to come early I'll be super ready. Some of the girls in the forums were buying baby furniture at like 3 months that would just make me even more anxious!

Not knowing if the baby is a girl or boy is so much fun! Every time I tell someone I don't want to know yet they ask a bunch of funny random questions derived from old wive's tales some I've never even heard of & they make me laugh! I never got this with Maliah the conversation just kind of ended with "awhhh" & then it was on to something else. Ryan, My Mom & Dad & his Mom all think it's a boy! However, little Miss Maliah thinks it's a girl! It's going to be so exciting when we find out. I think about the baby being a girl and it doesn't really feel right it kind of feels out of place or something.. but when I think about it being a boy, it feels more right but still weird because I've never had a boy baby before. Time seems like it goes fast & then slows down & I just want to be done with pregnancy already!

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