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23 Weeks - "Don't make your children the center of your universe ...because when they grow up & move out, you'll just have a giant black hole"

I read this article in the news, it was about simple every day things people can do to have a successful marriage or something like that.  One of the suggestions was this. & it got me thinking because I cannot be away from Maliah she is everything to me. People told me this feeling would pass after the first year or so and I'd enjoy my alone time but.. it never passed and reading stuff like this brings on a total freak out because I wonder, if I will still be this obsessed with her when she's older. I mean, even sending her off to school is something I haven't done because I just can't be away from her. Since March when I stopped working I have been away from her a total of an hour & a half & that was just last weekend to have dinner with my friends and before that time was up, she wanted me to come back home to get her. I feel like time is precious and if I miss something, I'd hate myself forever. Not only that but with a new baby on the way I think it will be difficult to manage my time with her as well as taking care of a needy baby. For the most part she does like to play alone with her toys & watch TV but she even comes in at every commercial just to come tell me she loves me & when she plays with friends she has to come back & I guess check in. I wonder if maybe my attachment to her is rubbing off and she's going to be like this too? Am I creating an unhealthy lifestyle for her? I try to think of things to do where she can be around other people but then I read some story on the news that makes me sick about what a baby sitter did to a baby... or how some people just aren't watching their kids. I remember having a friend when I was younger & her mom wouldn't let her go anywhere or spend the night anywhere and I would always think that's weird. Now, I have Maliah and already  have decided that she isn't allowed to spend the night at friends' houses just because things are so different now than they were when I was a kid sometimes my parents didn't even meet the other kids' parents where we'd be spending the night and now it's like you never know, & if I ever let her.. I feel like it would be embarrassing for her because I'd have to meet the parents & then background check everyone who lives in the house! I never thought about any of this stuff until now. Being a parent is the best part of my life and if someone else took that away I wouldn't be able to live anymore. Growing up is tough.

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