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18 - Weeks Ultrasound Day:)

Today we had our 18 week ultrasound! The tech said the baby is growing right on track & looked great, she measured the baby's arms, legs, head, abdomen, heart & CRL. The heartbeat was in the 140's and we got to see all 4 chambers of the heart beating away which was really cute I remember getting to see this with Maliah & I thought it was just amazing. I was so happy that we were able to see the baby and Maliah was actually well behaved the whole time: ) The baby currently weighs 8 oz. It was cute when we first went in I told the tech to keep the gender a secret so she didn't even write it on the chart so there will be no slip ups from the doctor or anyone in the future! So when it came down to that area of measurements she had us all close our eyes so we didn't accidentally see while she was taking a picture. It was soooo hard to keep my eyes closed I wanted to look so bad but I feel good now that I'm home that we didn't find out this will probably be the best surprise ever!

Here are the pix =)

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