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24 Weeks

Today we went to the Dr & everything checked out good! They gave me this packet to read when I got home & it was all about the third trimester and labor & delivery and I just couldn't help but to cry. I am just so happy that I've already made it this far and time has for the most part, seemed to go by pretty fast. I didn't think I would get so emotional when reading about it but wow it totally got to me! I just can't wait to head to the hospital and have this baby. I'm actually looking forward to this labor & delivery. At first, I was totally freaked out by it but then after thinking about it and talking it over with my doctor, she really makes me feel comfortable she's so calm & caring I couldn't have asked for anyone better than her. We shouldn't have anymore ultrasounds so the last one will be the last time we see our baby until he or she is born which is pretty exciting! She said they'll do an ultrasound if something seems off though so let's just say I hope we don't have anymore! I still haven't decided to be induced or to just wait it out a part of me really wants to be induced however I'm not sure if this baby will hold out till the full 40 weeks or try to come early like Mia did. Either way, I'm hoping the baby doesn't decide to come on Halloween.. I mean it's my favorite holiday but I think it would take away from Maliah like Halloween would turn into baby's birthday instead of a holiday for everyone. So my plan is, the week leading up to Halloween I'm just going to lay down & not move it probably won't work but... that's my plan!

Mia is so good at the doctor, she's like a drama free best friend. There for every moment, she doesn't argue or complain and just listens to everything and agrees if she does have advice, it's always very simple:) I love taking her with us because she's so cute the doctors just adore her & she loves to interact with people. She loves hearing the baby's heartbeat and learning about what's going on inside of the tummy. She's just great I <3 her so much! I think she's going to make a great big sister. I still have a little bit of fear that she might be a little overbearing when it comes to helping with the baby but I'll just have to manage what she can do & what she cannot do so that she realizes some things are for Mommy & Daddy & others are just for her to do. It'll all work out I'm not too worried about it.

For the most part I feel good... I've been having pretty bad cramping in my abdo & pelvic area but.. the Dr. just said it's all normal & there really isn't anything we can do about it which kind of sucks but as long as I know it's normal I'm totally ok with dealing with it for the 15 weeks we have to go :)

Ryans test results came back for his blood work, that looked great no abnormalities there but his holter monitor test did show that his heart beat is a little bit off so he's still going to see the cardiologist on Thursday so that they can talk with him a little bit more about what's going on. At his primary doctor they said that his issue is non-urgent so that's a relief. I think everything is going to be ok with him and I'm soooo happy!

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