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25 Weeks Who knew getting fat could be so much fun!

Today Ryan & I decided to mess around and do a Maternity mini-shoot it actually turned out to be pretty amazing the sky was perfect! Which brings me to the realization that we actually do make a great team when it comes to most things. It was so fun and the final product came out so much more than I expected it to be. Sometimes I really under estimate his ability to listen to me when I say what I feel  & now I feel like I hardly give him enough credit for the positive things he does for our family. I mean, I can't think of any other person that would have come out to a park to take a bunch of pictures of me just goofing around. I had been thinking about hiring a photographer but now I feel so good about what we did today because it's like together, we made this baby and together we documented the journey leading up to his or her arrival- together without involving some stranger to come in & capture something that portrays nothing but love. Not only that but I really do feel like now, I could actually work with him as a business partner for the photography business. I mean, we already work together on the things he does, but lately I've really been feeling like his effort is showing and.. it makes me happy! For a long time, I kind of felt like maybe this isn't the right person maybe I'm just in over my head and I want this vision of a family and he wants it too.. but that's about it. But since I became pregnant with this little one it seems like things have really been.. good in many different areas. Anyway, here's a snap of a couple pictures for more click the it: )

Time seems to be really flying by now a days, it seems like our hospital tour is right around the corner, our glucose screening marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester which is the home stretch. The scary thing is we have only purchased a few things for the baby and do not plan on having a baby shower I've already picked everything out as far as patterns and necessities go, I'm just hesitant to buy because Maliah will think it's all for her! I'm thinking the plan will be to purchase the baby's things around Maliah's birthday that way she will be pre-occupied with all of her new stuff vs. the baby's new stuff. Life seems to be going really good for us, and for most of my friends which is really good too. It always seems like when things are good for me, it's bad for everyone else so it's hard to share happy feelings. I hope this lasts forever!

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