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32 Weeks

Here we are, getting to the end of our 32nd week. I feel like 32 weeks is a milestone, statistics show babies born at 32 weeks have a 90% survival rate so that's pretty good, every week from here on the chances get better & better annnd in just a month we will be "full term!" I cannot wait to hear that come out of my doctor's mouth at our appointment. I'm actually feeling very sick this week, seems like the morning sickness & heartburn have come back and now I'm feeling a little bit like I might have some sort of flu which would be terrible. Pretty much everything hurts, my neck, my back... & when the baby moves she totally messes me up sometimes to a point where I almost tip over from her kicks. I read in the forum that a woman's son cracked one of her ribs yesterday so I probably shouldn't complain but, this is my world & that's about as crazy as things have been for the most part. I'm feeling like the pregnancy is really picking up speed I know when I'm in the delivery room I will be thinking about how I feel like it was just yesterday I was 20 weeks along and bored. I guess things are picking up because now is the time to start setting things up & getting everything ready. My parents confirmed they will be coming out for the baby's birth they just need to know what date it's all happening. Ryan's mom has just confirmed that she will be making the trip out to meet our little baby as well! So, we will have alot going on all at once. To make things easier his mom suggested that they make the trip out after my parents leave so that we have help for at least a little while so that's a great idea I'm considering yet at the same time I would like to have all the visiting over all at once because I will want to get back to just being our family. I don't really know how I'll handle two children, let alone a four year old and a newborn. For me, my biggest concern is germs I am deathly afraid of the baby getting sick or something so, I'm going to have to turn into a cleaning machine at home and put gloves on Maliah every time she leaves the house lol I'm jk but seriously yeah, germs freak me out. I think Ryan is concerned with my lack of weight gain at the last dr. appointment.. this guy has been feeding me like crazy. He hadn't cooked dinner in awhile but since I've been back from California he has been preparing these meals with such large portions which is great I love it but sometimes it is just too much food & because the dr wasn't concerned I really shouldn't be either. I feel like maybe because it's humid there I lost some unnecessary weight yet the baby still gained her regular amount so it just leveled out. We had to start putting Maliah in time out which really really sucks but as with other things, I didn't want to start implementing that after the baby got here because I don't want her to blame the baby for anything. Today our travel system arrived which I am totally excited about! I couldn't wait to set it all up to see how everything works and I absolutely love it! It feels so much more sturdy than the system we had with Maliah I can't wait to get out there and show off my new baby! I'm glad she's going to arrive when the weather is nice. The car seat material is mainly suede which is going to be wonderful since she's an Autumn baby. This time I went with a totally simple theme with no patterns just Black & Silver and oddly enough everything I have purchased so far is Black & Silver, the diaper bag, sling, "hooter hider" (lol) Stroller and Car Seat are all Black & Silver! The pack n play my parents got us isn't the same colors but it's beautiful and is made out of wood so that's built very sturdy as well. I'm hoping to get a rocking chair here soon, aside from that I think baby is set aside from a few little things, so now it's pretty much a waiting period until she's ready the hospital bag is all packed now I just need to FF a month and we're good!

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