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33 Weeks

All seems to be going pretty well in baby land this week.. it's been another painful one of course but other than that things seem to be moving along slowly but surely, I feel like we're at that stage where all we do is wait for baby to arrive... I love whenever I say ouch or make a funny face everything in my house stops and everyone waits for me to fell better lol it's very cute. I downloaded an app and each week it asks a new question so I figured since I have nowhere to save the information I'll save it on here:) annnd I didn't have much to report this week so I need something to fill up space!

Week 1: Are you hoping for a boy or girl? I think a little boy would be adorable but the fact that they seem so much more active & wild... that freaks me out. A little girl would be great because I always wanted a sister and to give Maliah a sister would make me very happy. So either way, I'm just happy to have a baby!

Week 2: What baby names do you like? Haven't thought about names yet.

Week3: When will you announce your pregnancy? After I hear the heartbeat on the doppler!

Week 4: Where you trying to get pregnant or did you just get lucky? Ah, that's a tough one, we had never prevented pregnancy since the beginning and knew that we wanted more children it just never happened for us, it came to a point where we figured it just wasn't going to happen & then I turned up 13 days late & still hesitating to test because I didn't want to deal with the let down but.. it was positive! So, I think it was probably a little of both, no contraception = planned baby lol.

Week 5: How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant, in 3 words or less? Shocked, Confused & Worried.

Week 6: How are you feeling today? I want time to fast forward I'm too anxious for this..

Week 7: What's the most annoying thing about pregnancy? Morning sickness!

Week 8: Are you having any food cravings? Vegetables! more specifically, artichokes:)

Week 9: How did you feel when you first heard your baby's heartbeat? I haven't heard it yet! I ordered a doppler so hopefully it will be here soon!

Week 10: Have you started gaining weight yet? Yes! I'm up 4lbs lol.

Week 11: Which baby names does your partner like? Too soon for that kind of talk!

Week 12: How are you feeling today? Ecstatic I made it to the coveted 12 week mark.

Week 13: Do you think your baby will be a boy or a girl? Maliah says the baby is a girl I'm not sure yet!

Week 14: What's the most memorable reaction you got when you told others you were pregnant? My dad. I actually had Maliah tell him she said "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" and he was so happy! I <3 my family:) and my Mom's reaction "I knew it!" lol

Week 15: Have you bought anything for your baby yet? Noooooo I don't want to jinx it!

Week 16: Do friends & family think your baby will be a boy or a girl? Mostly boy, a few people think girl.

Week 17: What foods have you missed most during pregnancy? Not a food, but Monster!!!

Week 18: What do you love most about being pregnant? I love the anticipation:)

Week 19: Do you need maternity clothes yet? I've never worn maternity clothes I just buy the same things I normally wear in a size medium.

Week 20: Do you know your baby's gender yet? No we're keeping it a surprise:)

Week 21: What nicknames do you have for your baby? Babykins!

Week 22: What are your hopes for your baby? Just that he or she is healthy of course.

Week 23: When you felt your baby's first kicks, what did they feel like? I always have a really hard time explaining what it's like... there really isn't anything like it. I guess the easiest way to compare it is when someone is kicking the back of your seat in the car lol.

Week 24: Where do you turn to for the best baby-related advice? I haven't needed much baby advice but as far as pregnancy I usually turn to my friends who recently had babies or yahoo answers/forums.

Week 25:  Which baby names are you considering? None yet!

Week 26: How are you feeling today? Pretty good... tired.

Week 27: What is the strangest dream you've had since becoming pregnant? All of my dreams have been pretty simple however, they've been super realistic so it's hard to tell the difference between reality and my dreams.

Week 28: Are there any foods you can't stand anymore? K'bobs.. YUCK!

Week 29: Are you planning on having an unmedicated birth or having an epidural? I really don't know, I want to be able to get up and walk right after the baby is born, move around & be free! Last time I was on Magnesium Sulfate so I couldn't move for 2 days I don't want anything like that ever again.

Week 30: How are you feeling today? Relieved! 30 weeks is a major milestone, ever since I was 8 weeks I wanted to be 30 weeks!

Week 31: Did you take a childbirth class? No, I didn't feel it was quite necessary I watch alot of videos and things online for pain & labor management.

Week 32: If you could tell your baby anything right now what would it be? That she's almost here and that Mommy Daddy & big sister Mia can't wait to see her. I really wonder what she looks like!

Week 33: What's your favorite baby name that your family doesn't like? My family really likes the name we have picked out for her.

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