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36 Weeks

So, I'm almost full term! In normal pregnancies where an elective induction isn't scheduled I can see this putting a person into an over the moon type of mood but for me I'm kind of nervous about it. To me, full term means baby can come at any time which is actually pretty exciting! But, I'd really like for her to be born on the date we've picked only because I really, really want my parents to be there when everything happens. I want Maliah to be with them in a comfortable place. She doesn't like being away from Ryan & I and because she will know that we're away to have the baby she just might not be too thrilled.. She has this idea that she is going to be there, which is totally any option from the doctor's stand point however, i'm not sure that it's something I want to expose her to at this age. Some of my friends have described what it's like being there when a sibling is born and I mean, it didn't traumatize them but I've never even been in a delivery room when someone else had their baby frankly, I think it would be kind of scary especially when it's your Mommy and she's in pain. I finally have the hospital bag packed with every little thing I could possibly need. I have a few things on my list that I would like to have for Addison before she gets here, but none of them are necessities, they're more like toys and just fun things.

I'm feeling pretty good aside from all of the pain, my pelvic bones feel like they are just carrying too much weight for them to handle. When I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning, getting up is completely dreaded only because the pain is the hardest at that point. My contractions are pretty rough too but are irregular and nowhere near each other so I'm glad for that! So as of right now we have about 23 days to go and I'm really excited! Maliah will get to have her last Halloween as an only child, I plan to take her out trick or treating. At first I planned on staying home & resting but now I'm considering maybe going out with her so that I can walk to make everything easier during the induction. I just hope that I can find a way to sleep that night because I am going to be way too excited knowing that I will be having a baby the next day.

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