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16 Weeks - Differences

I'm starting to realize the difference between having your first baby and having your second. Not only do we have to prepare for a new baby, but also have to prepare Maliah for school. At first I thought the age difference was a great thing, now I'm thinking geez all at once.. all of these big changes. We didn't keep anything of Maliah's from when she was a baby because time went by.. and it just didn't seem like this was ever going to happen again. Not only that but keeping around baby stuff when things just aren't happening is very hard. Shopping for baby stuff is supposed to be fun but right now, it just seems like there is so much that we need and in a sense because Maliah and this baby will be a full 4 years apart I hardly remember when Maliah was a baby what we used, what we bought & didn't use, what she liked, how many diapers we used & just all these little things that would make this alot easier. I know that things are going to be absolutely crazy when the baby arrives but I know that Maliah loves to help I just hope she understands that she can't do everything with me. Today a sling I ordered offline arrived in the mail & it really helped make things real.. still even though the baby kicks & all that it still doesn't feel real I think maybe because the baby is still an "it" instead of he or she.. I just hope we find out soon so that I can become more attached.

I also get a little bit nervous about working from home, cleaning the house daily, cooking dinner, taking care of Maliah & in the middle of all that feeding & changing a baby every 2 hours & then also entertaining Ryan & spending time with him. It all seems like it's going to be alot more than what I have on my plate right now I know I can do it, I just become overwhelmed when just thinking about it. My time management skills are definitely going to come into play. I also planned on starting the photography business after the little one being born, I know Ryan wants to help with that but geez... so much!

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