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This week we had a doctor's appointment to check in on our little prince and he's doing phenomenally! Last month we were measuring a teeny bit behind but this week we are right on track again so that was a major relief! His heartbeat is in the 140's so that's perfect as well :) Our induction will be scheduled for August 7th and I can't be more excited. We had our glucose screening, passed out after that in the car thankfully. I for some reason cannot handle the blood work this time.

Ryan and I will be off to Georgia on a cross-country road trip in just one month! I'm really excited because we hardly have time do things together other than..... well... we have three kids lol so you know what I mean ;) Our adventure starts out with some time with my parents, they're coming to visit again for a few days, we're heading out to Prowl N' Play at the Phoenix Zoo and then they're taking the girls back to California for two weeks at Grandma's! So then we'll be traveling from the 9th to the 22nd, on the way there we plan to take the high route up through the northern parts of  Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and then Georgia! On the way home, we're going to travel the lower regions and see Louisiana! It seems like he talks about this trip once a day, I'm really happy that he's excited! At first, I was to fly to Georgia on a weekend trip solo but while in Laughlin, he pitched the idea to road trip it so we worked out the details and it's really happening!! After we head back from Georgia, he and I will spend some time alone in our house (which we've yet to enjoy children-free) then we're packing our bags again and we're heading off to the West Coast to celebrate the baby shower with our families! I think this trip will be a major part of our relationship. Though everything has been good for quite some time, I still feel like I want to be with just him, we don't have the luxury of sitters and things so date nights are few and far between. Two weeks together is going to be amazing <3

Baby shower planning has been somewhat stressful, the location where we are having it is in Temecula so getting someone down there to book it in advance has been difficult but I think we have that covered. Our cake is coming with us from Arizona and then Lilly & Janey are handling all of the fun details from there. It'll be really nice having all of our family members under one roof! We're announcing our little man's name on the invitations which have been printed and shipped so I'm anxiously awaiting those to address and send out. Everything feels so much more real since we've named the baby. We all are just so in love with him already, he's definitely welcomed into a happy home.

Being "Mommy" is the easiest part, it's the housewife, business owner part of my life where things get tricky. Balancing a home, keeping smiles on 4 faces including my own, speaking with clients, shooting, editing, baby shower planning, seeing the doctor balancing my friends and writing content has become quite a full life but I'm thankful for everything that I have. I haven't felt this positive in years, I just feel like things are really coming together.

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