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23 Weeks

23 weeks and ah! The pressure! Two nights ago I felt like I was having massive contractions, out of nowhere they just stopped so I was thankful for that. One thing I wasn't thankful for was the idea of how much more that will happen through this pregnancy! This little man is quite a pusher he seems to still burrow himself in really weird positions and they are severely painful at times!

My cravings have been out of this world as well.... Last night it was Baker's which just could not be accommodated, tonight it was Jack in the Box so I gave into that one :) I probably shouldn't have because it was midnight but oh well :)

I haven't even looked again at names, I am having a really hard time with this one! Our girls receive so many compliments on their names and most of the time they're followed with something that has to do with me so I feel like I don't want to let my son down and give him an un-creative name when they both have names that aren't heard every day. So the name game continues... I have one name that everyone has kind of just started calling the baby but I'm not sold on it. We know his middle name will be Christopher after his daddy and my daddy :)

Carrying a boy is so weird.. I feel almost like I've conquered something like I've overcome the odds or something. I read somewhere that the more kids you have, the less likely you are to have all of the same gender so I guess I shouldn't feel too special about it. I really always saw myself with a son, I knew I would have one I just thought after Ryan having three daughters that he really only had the girl genetics in him haha.

I feel much smaller this time than I did with Addison and of course Maliah, I was a whale to put it frankly. So I'm thankful that my body is accepting this pregnancy well. My weight is on track.. my boobs are out of control as I'm already in a D =O ....someone has no complaints about that lol... but I sure do, my back is killing me but it's all totally worth it!

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